FX 5+ range
Trading currency pairs
To reduce risk the fund will generally only trade one currency pair at a time. The returns were made in both GBP/JPY or Euro/USD.
Key Facts
Minimum deposit : 10,000 USD/GBP
Monthly Management Fee : 2% of value of your trading account
Leverage : Up to 500:1
Liquidity : Monthly
(first week of each month)
25% performance fee
Managed Account Currency
Managed Account exclusive to ACY Securities.
Click here to open a trading account.
FX 10+ range
Trading currency pairs
To reduce risk the fund will generally only trade one currency pair at a time The returns were made in both GBP/JPY or Euro/USD.
Key Facts
Minimum deposit : 10,000 USD/GBP
Monthly Management Fee : 2% of value of your trading account
Leverage : Up to 500:1
Liquidity : Monthly
(first week of each month)
25% performance fee
Managed Account Currency
Managed Account exclusive to ACY Securities.
Click here to open a trading account.
FX 25+ range
Trading currency pairs
To reduce risk the fund will generally only trade one currency pair at a time The returns were made in both GBP/JPY or Euro/USD.
Key Facts
Minimum deposit : 1,000 USD/GBP
Monthly Management Fee : 2% of value of your trading account
Leverage : Up to 500:1
10,000 to 49,999 USD/GBP : 25% performance fee
50,000 to 99,999 USD/GBP : 20% performance fee
100,000 USD/GBP plus : 18% performance fee
Managed Account Currency
Managed Account exclusive to ACY Securities. Click here to open a trading account.
Closed to new investmentSIMPLY BOTS
Trading currency pairs
To reduce risk the fund will generally only trade one currency pair at a time. The returns were made in both GBP/JPY or Euro/USD.
Key Facts
Minimum deposit : 40,000 GBP
Monthly Management Fee : 1.5% of value of your trading account
Leverage : Up to 500:1
Liquidity : Monthly
(first week of each month)
15% performance fee
Managed Account Currency
Managed Account exclusive to MultiBank.
Click here to open a trading account.
As Seen In
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